What emoji(s) do you like to use?

I have mixed feelings about the use of emojis. As a wannabe writer, I feel the use of emoji’s are a crutch or lazy way of expressing oneself. Instead of using one’s writing skills and vocabulary to set the scene or express feelings, it’s too easy to insert an emoji. The addition of graphics or a photo also does the same thing. Yet, I use them. I don’t always trust my writing to convey my thoughts and feelings.

The online environment values brevity much more than other writing environments. but, in so doing, if one is not a skilled writer, one’s tone can feel abrupt and mean-spirited. Emojis can prevent hurt feelings if one’s writing doesn’t convey the correct tone.

For example, certain kinds of humor could be interpreted by the reader as unkindness. The insertion of an emoji often solves that.

I also think that emoji’s are part of the online and text culture. They would not be acceptable in formal writing, but are just fine here.

Other than the simple “smilie” emoji, here are a few of my other favorite emojis: 😜 😲 🙃 😱 🐈 😬 😎 Sometimes it’s fun to use the poop one: 💩 I also use the heart and the birthday cake. ❤️ 🎂