Ok … I admit it. I’m addicted to birds! I never thought this would happen, as this interest has come later in my life. When I was a child, I could not identify any birds, except maybe a robin. My mom had feeders outside her kitchen window, but I didn’t watch or even notice them much. Then a few years ago, I met my bird loving best friend, Claire, then took up photography. Though I’m still very ignorant on bird identification, I’m slowly learning the names of the birds in my backyard.

With that said, my 365 photo will — again — be of the female bluebird bringing in a huge bug to feed the babies. You can click on this photo and see it much larger. And, it was especially exciting for me to note that when I stood somewhat close to the bluebird box, I could hear the babies chirping – probably begging for food. At that time, I don’t think either parent was inside, as I had been watching them go in and out, and the babies were probably calling for them. My box is a side loading box, and it would be much too invasive for me to watch.

365 photo #116

I hope we have not left for Long Island before they fledge. Since I’m not sure when the eggs were laid, nor when they were hatched, it’s hard to predict, but I think it will be iffy that we’ll still be around. We have only 1 1/2 week left here. What a bummer to leave in the middle of this!

Also — the great blue heron is still sitting on the nest, but the male isn’t around much anymore that I have seen (unless they switch roles).

Bonus photos:

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1. A male cardinal in the bush — letting himself be seen in the bright sun!
2. The one non bird photo — some weeds growing by the edge of the lagoon